That is why we have developed a series to help you feel confident in sharing your faith with children in a way that equips them to then know and share God’s story.
Through our premier animated short film children will learn God’s grand plan and purpose for them in His forever story.
The Story Maker is a special narrative about how everything came to be. Embark on a journey starting with creation and beauty, moving through sadness and pain, and ending with rescue, promise and hope. This great story teaches children about God’s grand plan and His purpose for them in His forever Story.
The Story Maker series is designed to teach children God’s grand story and their place in it. We want to equip children to know and share God’s story through books, film, coloring books, and training.
The Story Maker Training guides you through three simple steps to teach children how to know and share God’s story. The lessons will teach children the entire story of the Bible in a practical and sharable way.
Because we believe in this training so much we want to give you a lesson and its additional content to test out FOR FREE before you purchase the training kit.